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Education in identification and classification of temporary rivers to fight climate change


RIVERTEMP is an Erasmus+ project, aimed at education in identification and classification of temporary rivers to fight climate change


Temporary (drying) rivers are defined as watercourses…” that they can dry out during some period of the year. More than 50% of the world river network demonstrates that non-perennial rivers are the norm and not the exception on Earth. The project seeks the identification and classification of them.


What activities will the project address?

The Training Curriculum

Will help achieve the goal general idea of creating teaching and learning tools focused on in temporary rivers and the management of water resources. Besides, the activities aim to generate a paradigm shift towards a new conceptual vision of rivers, as well as support the identification and their categorization through the development of a open and easy-to-use software tool for “mapping of multitude of temporary rivers”, widely applicable to describe the non-perennial river systems that are present from climate alpine to the arid and semi-arid environments of Europe.

Electronic Learning Platform

Provide users with tools informatics and MOOC for the identification and categorization temporary rivers, a GIS-based repository for classified satellite images that can generate virtuous circles for the implementation of a “RT crowd mapping”, potentially carried out by people all over the world, not just by project participants.

Piloting the Computer Tools

The researchers, professors and students involved will work in this, providing comments and modifications of both the computer tools such as the structure and content of the material and training platform:

  • Organizing a final hackathon that allows participants deepen the main themes of the material formative.
  • Enabling students with fewer opportunities participate in a short-term mobility activity without any associated cost to them.
  • Strengthening cooperation between universities, providers of FP and SMEs; but also with external entities that can be invited to participate.

Rivertemp is an European project that includes as partners organisations experts in the fields of education and formation of three different countries.

Co-Funded by the European Union

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.